Saturday, 5 November 2011

Make Your Ex Want You Back - Ex Recovery System Strategies That Work

People will come and go in your life. But you will only encounter one gret love. And I don't want to be branded as juvenile, but I would like to think a great love is something worth fighting for. And if things do go south, you'd be willing enough to take on any means to make your ex want you back. Let's be honest, who doesn't want love in their lives? I, personally, embrace the fact that love is a fundamental human experience that everyone has to explore. If you agree with me, then these ex recovery system strategies should be of some use to you.

1. The first step is to give love freedom. Mean don't like to be chained up. They require some semblance of independence even though they are part of a partnership. You don't have to control someone just to make sure he stays by your side forever. Love isn't selfish. And if you want to make your ex want you back, you've got to clarify that you do not intend to monitor his every move. Allow him to do things his way sometimes and let him win a few arguments. Tone done your expectations, what you most desire is him.

2. The second step is to be fabulous. There's nothing to lose with trying to look beautiful. Yes, you have more to offer than just what people see on the outside. But your looks is what will grab his attention this time around. Don't be afraid to gussy up. Style your hair differently – in a way that complements the shape of your face and body. Get a more slender figure. And perhaps be more chic. These little changes can make a memorable impression on him and may put you up to speed in the ex recovery system.

3. The third step is to learn how to cook. It may seem like an outdated intervention but it's actually quite effective in reeling your man back. Not only will it make your ex want you back, it may even make him consider you as a part of your life in the future. Remember, a lot of women can be beautiful but not every one of them can whip a three course meal. And if you are able to accomplish that, he would not hesitate to visit you at home more often. The saying "the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach" has it's weight in gold. And you should make sure that you are able to milk that opportunity well.

What is most pleasing about these ex recovery system ideas is that they involve self improvement. And you don't have to exhaust your resources for them to work. When you do things right the first time, all other expectations will fall into place. Your ex will be more than happy to be your friend and sooner later, take things up one level and be your boyfriend again.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Starting over again!

Break up is a bad word.

Emotional trauma, self doubt, pain and anger, low self esteem.... are a part of a break up. Well, happens to everyone. The one you gave everything to decided to ditch you and walk away. So why bother? It's time to start afresh with a twist of happiness. You deserve it because you are an awesome person. Steps you can follow to feel better: 

1. Think about the break up. Think about the guy. Think about all the shit he gave you. Now, do you think its worth calling him, texting him, etc? He doesn't even deserve your ultra nice treatment. STOP BEING NICE. STOP CALLING HIM AND KEEPING IN TOUCH. Its a waste of time.

2. Now that you can't call him and you need to keep yourself busy start doing something.This may include - talking to a friend, watching tv shows, movies, reading, anything.

3. Get a new hobby! It may something you've never thought of doing before. Give it a shot! Try something different and it may surprise you that you love doing it. Basically give your love to something else. 

4. Exercise. Skip the chocolates and pastries! Work out. It'll help you gain confidence and feel good about yourself. 

5. Get yourself the best and sexiest clothes and shoes. Now put on some make up, call your girlfriends and go out on an all girls day out. Party a lot, flirt and smile. Talk about cute guys. Your guy was a jerk. :D There are sooooooooo many hotter and cuter guys. 

6. These are just a few things. If you're the introvert then start writing a diary, read your books, catch up on the latest editions of your favourite magazine. Basically give yourself an opportunity to do things that you haven't done. Discover yourself! 

7. Take a bubble bath. Get a spa appointment. Get yourself a manicure and pedicure. Look hot :)

8. Music. And I mean not the LOVE songs. The party songs. Dance songs, motivating songs, trance, house, jazz anything. Ditch the meaningful love songs that you and your love always listened to.

9. Gifts and cards to be kept aside. You dont need them. It's over and you're glad its over. 

10. Spend time with people who are positive and happy in life. You need to maintain a positive attitude. 

11. Start talking to someone who understands you. Both of you can make a list of all the things you want to do and go do it! You must've always wanted to go and have lunch at a particualr place but haven't gotten the chance yet. So go do it. 

12. It's your life. Live it when you have it! If the thought of suiciding EVER came to your mind. Visit a psychiatrist or counsellor. You need help. A guy or girl cannot determine whether you live or not.

13. Give it time. You need to be patient! Time heals all wounds.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Intimacy Meditations

Lately, meditations center around Intimacy. The frequency of which it is longingly spoken of by both genders has been sucker punching me with astounding regularity in the last few months.

Love and IntimacyFear of IntimacyHow to achieve Intimacy

It is everywhere in the media, obnoxious in its ubiquity.  Clients talk about lacking it, friends chat about it in various public places and everyone, in a relationship or not, wants it or to somehow improve it.

As I listen deeply to the content of conversations around this most confusing of subjects, it becomes obvious that few really know what it is.  Some call manipulative jabbering intimacy, while others seem obsessed with domesticating it and yoking to a predetermined course.  Almost all think of intimacy in terms of a romantic relationship and nothing else.

In any event, few possess the knowledge that true intimacy requires; that real intimacy is about being in that moment fully active and present with all that is happening within you and around you.  Real intimacy is not about some supposedly advanced Tantric sexual technique or  artificial "I feel.." statements.  These are delusions of closeness, prostituted and pimped out as the real thing. It is the quick fix for those seeking the easy route to intimacy.

When Intimacy is applied to love, it should be simple to be in that moment with your lover, to hear his breath, to absorb the sight of his long thighs and to be delighted with the playful idea that they seemingly are as long as your arms.  Or see her beautiful neck, swooping down into a graceful curved shoulder and to deeply appreciate the art of it.  And this is it; true intimacy, particularly in the context of love, is gratitude and wonder.  Simple to say and yet there is so much more depth beyond the superficial meaning of the mere words we all utter on these occasions.

Words make it difficult to tune out our chattering monkey mind so we can be really intimate with what our lover is. Our lover drowns in a barrage of our needy words and we choke ourselves with these meaningless sounds.  Noisy mental interference is why most people never achieve the even the basic moments of intimacy so desperately yearned for and sought so greedily.  For like spoiled toddlers,  we whine and cry for more, more, gimme more!  We can't hear any thing else over all our loud screaming except those fearful internal voices shouting out about getting their needs met.  Howling loudly for our lover's attention, we get nothing but empty promises to pacify us, just for time being.  Sadly, this is what passes for intimacy in most relationships: the mistaken idea that this type of empty verbal communication is communion with another human soul, that sexuality is an adjunct to this silly chatter.

Entitlement also masquerades as Intimacy.  "I've told you my secrets, so now you owe it to me to tell me yours"  becomes the battle cry for possessiveness, a close ally of entitlement.  A false ownership occurs once these exchanges happen, particularly if that ownership becomes codified by legal documentation. Between humans, intimacy is a gift that means nothing if not given freely.  It is wild and not likely to survive enforced domesticity or coercive monogamy.  I know of no surer way to kill an intimate relationship of any sort than to demand some one be more open to you or insist they are too wary or fearful of intimacy for your tastes.  That is our fear speaking, our insecurities and not theirs.  This too is not truly intimacy.

Intimacy must occur within our own selves with all things in both our inner and outer worlds before it can ignite with another human.  Then it becomes a rare and precious gift that lasts but a single spontaneous moment and is enough to nourish for a life time.  Once given, it is not obligatory for that other person to be in our life for the rest of theirs. They have delivered their priceless gift to you; appreciate it for its specialness and rarity.  Do not demand a school girl or boy fantasy in which intimacy of this sort is a routine event. This is not what a lover, spouse or friend does, not really.  It is, however, what pop culture sells and we lazily buy for gospel truth.

My contemplative answer to the intimacy issue: be aware, be kind and be grateful.  No one owes you love or intimacy and there is no honest formula for obtaining it from them.  Let it happen out of spontaneity, let it be freely given and deeply felt.  Develop your own intimacy with life, an intimacy as singular and unique as you are. Perhaps then, and only then, you will then be graced with a most wonderful treasure - a moment of true intimacy with another human being.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

How to date a beautiful lady even if you are ugly

A lot of guys find it difficult to approach beautiful ladies for relationship. Some even see it as a very difficult task they can never execute successfully while some feel beautiful ladies are meant only for the handsome and rich guys.

What you need to know as a guy who wants to date a beautiful lady is that there are some techniques you need to follow to win the heart of any beautiful lady. They are analyzed below:

1.  Be Self Confident – The first thing you need to do is to be self confident. Any time you want to approach a beautiful lady for a relationship, you need to do it with confidence.

From research, beautiful ladies fall easily for guys with self confidence. They want security and believe they are safe in the hands of a confident guy. Don't try to be another person in order to impress her, be you, be natural and calm. When a lady sees the confidence in your actions and approaches she will get along with you easily and this will open the door for a lasting relationship.

2. Always look neat – You need to look neat always. Ladies generally love good looking guys. As a guy who needs a beautiful lady, you need to always look cool and clean. Beautiful ladies want to date men they can be proud of. Have a good hair cut if you have to, put on a very good pair of shoes and make sure the clothes you put on are kept clean and neatly ironed with good color combination. You don't need to put on "the most expensive clothing materials" but good looking ones. Don't be surprised that a beautiful lady could approach you for friendship if you are always neat. Anytime you have the opportunity to meet with a beautiful lady, let your appearance do the magic for you.

3. Don't beg her – One of the mistakes some guys make is to beg a beautiful lady for friendship most especially when she turns down your offer for friendship. Some guys will even go on their knees. You don't need to do this to have a beautiful lady for friendship or relationship. All you have to do is to continue to see her and press home your demand. Some beautiful ladies will not accept the offer for a relationship instantly even if you are "the most handsome and richest man on earth." They will say no even if they admire you and will patiently wait for you to come back.

Let me share my own experience with you. I approached a beautiful lady for a relationship and she turned down my offer. I tried again and she turned it down again. I "allowed her to be" for some time then I tried again. She gave in the third time and confessed she wept and regretted turning down my offer the first and second time because she had a very strong affection for me.

In conclusion, the key to dating a beautiful lady is to be self confident, neat and mature in your approach. Don't give up easily even if you have to try ten times. I wish you best of luck.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Relationship Breakups: The Grief Stages of Couple Separation

Couples who have experienced a painfulrelationship breakup will often go through several stages as they cope with their loss. As the acclaimed psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross puts it, the stages of grieving chronicles how a person feels and copes during a relationship breakup.

As you read these stages, it's important to remember that this is not a linear process where a person will go through one stage at a time. Human beings are complex and can experience many feelings at the same time or not feel some of these things at all. Think of these stages as possible feelings that may come up for you when you end a relationship.

First Stage: Denial

The feeling:

At this point, you may block unwanted feelings or turn off their emotions.  There is a strong feeling of refutation that the relationship has ended, and you unwillingly hold on to the thought that the separation is just a phase. You may do everything possible to bring the relationship back to the way it was.

How to cope:

Denial is a stage that may or may not come again even after being able to move on to the succeeding stages. It is important that there is a mutual acknowledgement between both parties about the separation. After all, acknowledging that a problem exists is the first helpful step to properly cope with the breakup. As such, it is important to convince yourself that in spite of therelationship breakup, there are other things that you need to prioritise like school, work or leisure.

Second Stage: Anger

The feeling:

This occurs when you finally understand that the breakup is real. Whether you are angry with yourself or furious at your ex-partner for not keeping the relationship strong, anger is a normal feeling in emotionally stressful experiences. Although sometimes people refuse to acknowledge their anger, it is necessary to release all angry emotions.

How to deal:

It is important to let all your emotions go, rather than keeping all negative feelings inside. Bottling them up will make you burst into rage at any time when there is a trigger. Channel your anger through different recreational activities, such as exercising, painting and singing. Counselling or therapy is another anger management strategy that you can employ. By doing counselling, you are able to truly recognise your feelings and maybe even trace the roots of your anger.

Third Stage: Bargaining

The feeling:

Feelings of bargaining are easily assessed during a relationship breakup. This happens when compromises are made for the benefit of rebuilding the relationship. The affected person may think about making a deal with a supernatural being, or may consider talking with the ex-partner to make promises so that things can go back to how they were before. There is a strong tendency to converse with the ex-partner about working out the many issues and concerns that led to the breakup. Oftentimes, bargaining gives a reassuring feeling that the relationship can still be mended.

How to deal:

Find new activities to keep yourself busy. Being preoccupied with other things will keep your mind from the breakup. Instead of bargaining, try to rationalise the situation and explore why the relationship did not work out in some aspects. Recognising the reality of the problem is the key to proper coping.

Fourth Stage: Depression

The feeling:

Oftentimes when the bargaining does not work, you can fall into despair with the realisation that the relationship cannot be fixed. This stage sets in when there is a clear understanding that the relationship is indeed "over". Extreme feelings of sadness and loneliness consume the affected person, as well as a general loss of interest in many activities of daily living.

How to deal:

Depression is the best time to use all the effective coping mechanisms, as it is during this time that you may feel extremely down. It is important to reflect on why the breakup has happened, and noting the aspects that led to the separation.

Doing something new and continuing usual activities are recommended to maintain a normal living. Withdrawing yourself from the world is generally not advised, as it's important to spend time with your loved ones to reinforce social coping. Counselling or therapy is also an effective way to express your depressed feelings.

Fifth Stage: Acceptance

The feeling:

In this final stage, there is a willingness to finally let go and move on with life. You have fully comprehended that it is normal to feel hurt, and that the relationship breakup brings a whole new meaning for you.

How to deal:

By finally accepting the whole experience, you can now be the best person you can be. This is the best time to meet new friends and to mingle with a new crowd. Nevertheless, it's wise to know your limits and enjoy new experiences one step at a time. After all, one painful relationship breakup should not stop you to feel happy with the next.

Couple separation happens all the time to many people. Learning the stages of grief and how they apply during a relationship breakup will indeed help any person cope with a painful experience.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Monday, 31 October 2011

My Four Foreign Women Dates: My Trip to Ukraine

My fellow single midlife men, I just got back this past week from a two week trip to Ukraine.  It was a combination of holiday and reconnaissance.
Well, more specifically, I had arranged dates with four women I had been communicating with online and was anxious to verify what it was I was actually communicating with.  The things you hear about when you start dealing with these organizations is less-than encouraging, so I was anxious to go on a mission to see what I had gotten myself into.  After all, I was also promoting a couple of international dating sites myself.  I wanted to know my ‘product' a bit better.
For the record I was dealing with the largest ‘Russian' women dating site in the world, called Anastasia, which has built a network with independent agencies throughout key Soviet-era states, but mainly focused on women from Russia and Ukraine
For this entry, let's stick with observations related to dating process and the women I met.  First, Anastasia-like sites are masters at marketing and making money.   As you will see when you check out site, it is first rate as to image quality, services offered, and the high-quality technology needed to engage these women.  You pay for everything on this site, so if you're planning on going the cheap don't stay on this site.  In fact, don't go overseas looking for a woman with an ‘economy' mindset.  We're talking about a life partner here, not a cell phone or some such.
Unlike many of my midlife-male peers, I was looking for a midlife woman as a life partner, not my 25-30 year-old bedtime fantasy.  The women I chose were in their 40s, had been married, had grown children, college degrees, and had worked for years.  It appears most horror stories regarding foreign dating relates to the pursuit of young women – they don't show.  I saw such scenarios while I was there,  a discussion for another blog or article.
Another thing, going on tours arranged by these agencies is really a waste of time and money in my view, unless you're just looking to be amused with younger girls falling all over you (because that is what they are SUPPOSED to do with you).  It's literally a meat-market mentality on these and a lot of money changes hands – uh, that's your money leaving your hands and going into someone else's.
I saw billboards in Kharkov inviting women to come to social events associated with these Anastasia tours, basically promising free food and drink.  What would I do meeting 200 women in one 3-hour social, except drool a lot and spend a fortune buying drinks and trying to talk with gals who couldn't carry on a conversation in English?
I had screened my prospects online, formally arranged dates through the website, and headed out to seek my ‘fortune' face-to-face.  I reduced my list of ten prospects down to five.  That was no easy task.  In fact, to get down to ten was extremely difficult, but cutting it to five was excruciating as they all seemed to meet my list of ‘must haves' and more.  In the end, I set four dates to be held in three cities.  Two were physicians, one a store manager, and the fourth worked in sales.
I had emailed and chatted with each of these women quite a bit, some daily.  I had loosely ranked them based on my impressions, but wanted to see how the chemistry was in person. My goal was to hold the first hour and a half meeting with each, arranged through the agency (they control access to the woman until that moment; after that you can get phone numbers and email addresses and operate without them – and their fees!).  If the first meeting went well, then I had time available to arrange second and third meetings – at least that was the logic of my travel plans.
My hope was to take the four down to one by the end of the trip, a pretty ambitious goal to say the least.  I was concerned I would have none by the end.  Thousands of dollars, thousands of miles, and countless hours of emails and chat and nothing to show for it – not funny.  
So, what happened?  What did I learn from this recon trip?  Here's a couple of things.
1.  They were the women on the profiles.  And, I met each one.  As would be expected at any first date, the character and quality of each meeting varied based on the players - the woman, me, and the translator.  Their profile photos reflected the best these women were ever going to look.  They'd been airbrushed, photo-shopped, enhanced, you name it, and in the end, made digitally ageless.  These will not be the women you meet. It was in watching the videos that you can get a glimpse of the real woman, if video was available – two of my four had them.  In my case, these were good-looking, middle-aged women, and they looked it.
2. This was part date, part job Interview. First dates are to break the ice and make connection, and have fun with this person.  Wine helps.  You have a couple of hours to break through the jitters and make connection.  This is largely the man's work to do, probably like any first date in any country.
I met two of the four women for a second date and in these settings I used the positive vibes from the first date to move into more substantive issues. This was more interview-focused.  There were things I wanted to hear her say out loud, read body language, follow up on her responses, and she like-wise from me.  Time is of the essence, so cutting to the chase is tolerated, if not expected.  I got all the way to the end of one of these second dates, pressing for clarity on a certain expectation, and it became clear that her goals and mine were not compatible.  Then, having to say straight out that that isn't going to work for me was not easy, but important. We're done here.  ‘Can we continue to communicate, I really enjoyed your letters?'  ‘Uh, no.'  Next?!
For me, I wanted to know what the woman thought her life was going to be like in the U.S. (is she living too much in a fantasy), her attitudes toward money (does she believe the myth that all westerners are rich), work (is she lazy and looking to be idle), communication (how does she engage or is she passive), conflict (is she practical about human relations and what's her way in dealing with her partner), and life vision (again, has hopes but is practical as well).  I'm looking for core compatibility.
In sum, first date, can we connect; second date, are we on the same page on key areas important to each.
3.  Translators are critical to the outcome.  I've lived and traveled enough in other countries to be relatively used to language issues, but even with that, it is difficult to communicate through another person more personal thoughts, even intimate ones.  To get positive vibes going in a ‘first date' setting, a challenge in any culture, the translator has to be willing and able to get into the game.  That is, humor and wit and banter are important for me to connect and the interpreter needs to be fluent enough and of the personality to join in and facilitate.  I had some excellent interpreters and some not-so-good ones.  You have no control over this in the first meeting.
4. Have your own translator.  It is hard to get around the country without one.  I hired one full-time.  Pricey, but invaluable.  English is not widely used and signs and information are in Russian, a language I know nothing about.  More importantly, however, your interpreter becomes your alternative opinion as to the motives and character of your dates.  They're from the culture.  Of course, this assumes your interpreter is involved in subsequent dates, which may not always be the case.
I spent more time with my interpreter than with all the other women combined – and mine was a mid-30s single woman.  We were together on 12-hour sleeper-car train rides, ate breakfast, lunch and supper together, sat for hours in parks watching people and talking, and visiting various sites of interest in the cities we visited.  She had a pretty good picture as to who I was as a result – for good or ill.  This turned out to be important later.
She arranged all apartments I stayed in, trains I rode on, buses and taxis we took, and provided me with a pre-loaded cell phone to use while there.
5.  Getting down to one.  Throughout this process, everything was a test, a clue into the inner workings of the woman.  It began with what they said in profiles, to emails and chat, to off-the-cuff remarks during the dates.  For example, if they stated they only wanted their interpreter for all encounters that was a flag for me.  Why was she insisting on this, I would ask myself (and the woman when it happened)?
By the end, there was only one still in the game as far as I was concerned.  One of the gals was quite distracted due to family issues and just barely made a first meeting and could not a second.  Striking woman, but just gained no real insight into her mind or soul.  The one doctor with whom I had a great first meeting (and my pre-visit number one ranked prospect), simply avoided a second meeting, though we had twice agreed to meet on a specified date.  While disappointed, it was an important sign to me – leave it alone.  The third, a physician also, dropped due to a mismatch of goals – she basically was looking to retire on my paycheck – hell, I'd like to retire on my paycheck!
The real gem that emerged in the process turned out to be the clothing store manager.  Not only were our interactions loose, free-flowing, and generously sprinkled with humor (good connection), she was very thoughtful and earnest in answering and asking probing questions.  Her English language capability turned out to be an unexpected plus as well – we could communicate independent of an interpreter.  This turns out to be a huge advantage now – we can Skype and email independent of interpreters.  She was from a city with more of a small town feel, a reality she would be moving to in my community.
If I could have known upfront who the likely prospect was going to be, I certainly would've arranged my plans differently.  But, of course, that's not really possible.  Before I left, I invited her to continue to discuss the possibility of marriage.  We exchanged contact information, including Skype.  She accepted.
Back to my interpreter.  This woman saw my interpreter as an asset to her and not a competitor, unlike the sense I got from two other women.  Immediately after I called her and asked her to consider our prospects for marriage, she wanted to speak with my interpreter.  She acknowledged that the interpreter knew more about me than she did and grilled her about what kind of man I was and a couple of concerns she had.  The interpreter could answer these, based on her intense face-time with me.
What strikes me most about this process was the impact that distance, and all that brings into play, had on both of us.  It forced us to ask the most fundamental questions about what we were looking for, when would we know whether we had found it or not, and what were we willing to do about it.
Four statements about sum up what happened here: a) we were physically attracted to each other, b) we connected with each other emotionally, c) we appeared to be on the same page as to life vision, and d) we were willing to act on these things.
We explicitly acknowledged that there were no perfect people out there, that life is going by too quickly to be controlled by every fear or doubt that pops into our heads, that we really were searching for very basic things (respect, caring, partnership, good character, etc.), and that with these things a good life with the other was entirely possible.
It is really pretty simple, isn't it?  While I can't say with certainty this will end up a marriage a year from now, I do have a pretty good feeling about this.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Wedding Flowers and What They Mean

Wedding is a once in a life time occasion and we all want to make sure every thing related to the marriages is perfect. Right from the decoration to attending the guest, while we talk about the arrangement of marriages one thing that comes in the decoration and with the decoration comes the flowers. Indian marriages have a long association with the Marigold flowers one can not imagine of an Indian marriage with out marigold flowers.

Though Indian marriages are more colorful and have many flowers included and with changing time many new innovative ideas are added. But we can not ignore the strong presence of Marigold Followers in the Indian Marriages. They are used in almost all part of India starting from North to South and from East to West. Marigold is not only considered a sacred but they have a deep meaning related to them. Marigold is offered to the Lord Vishnu and Laxmi the god who look after our earth and other living beings. So many believe that Marigold will bring lots of blessing form the Lord to the wedding couple, Marigold is also considered as herb of the Sun and is representative of prosperity. And thus it has been a part of Indian Marriages for such a long time. Many other flowers like Red Rose and white lily has also made its way in to the Indian Wedding.

Red Rose which is considered as the symbol of Love is also an integral part of Indian marriages. As we all know wedding planners has been a the initial point of love between the wedding couple as most of the marriages are arranged and thus rose plays an important part in Indian Wedding. With western culture making it's impact in the Indian Society even White lily's have made a strong presence in the Indian wedding and even the Indians have started excepting the hidden meaning of the flowers used in the Western Marriages. For example the white lily's which are symbol of purity, modesty and majesty. And the messages it sends to other like for white lily's message goes by "it's heavenly to be with you". Even the Jasmine has a very strong presence in the Indian marriages and with its strong fragrance it sends the message of closeness of the wedding couple.

No matter what flower you pick, it has a hidden meaning and an importance attached to it. Thus we hope you find one for your special day. Thus we wish you all the best for the for wedding and hope you have a bright married life ahead.

Find Love Dating, Find Your Love, Soulmates Dating Website, Soulmates Dating Site, UK Dating Centre, UK Dating Online, Find Love In London, Mature Dating UK, Mature Dating Website, Mature Dating Site, UK Dating Singles, Find Your Love Dating, I Find Love Dating, Relationship Breakup Advice, Find A Love Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.